Page 74 - 2021_Commemorating_History_Magazine
P. 74

G.O.A.T. SOCIETY MEMBERS The Greatest of All Time

                 The National Auto Auction Association has formed a G.O.A.T. Society to bring together a nucleus of the organization’s
                 “Greatest of All Time.” All past presidents, Hall of Fame inductees, and Industry Pioneer award recipients comprise the new
                 group’s membership. An NAAA GOAT is someone who broke new ground in technique, subject matter, or ideas, had popular
      appeal and a lasting impact on auto auction culture and represented the greatest work of the association’s most respected members and
      colleagues.  The G.O.A.T.s embody NAAA’s core values, and they serve as the spirit of the association. The Society’s mission is to never
      forget those who have gone before us and to share in fellowship with those who are still amongst us as a reminder of their role in mak-
      ing this association what it is today.

                                  President  Hall of Fame  Pioneer                               President  Hall of Fame  Pioneer
      Tom Adams, Sr.*                          1975                  Jim DesRochers*               2005                2018
      Tom Adams, Jr.                           1992                  Don DeVries                   1999      2006
      Arnie Addison*                1985                             Williard Dinkel*                                  2007
      Clo Angelicchio                                    2006        C.B Drake*                   1948-1951
      Dave Angelicchio*             2010       2017                  Leona T. Drake*                         1984
      Timothy E. Anspach*         1957 & 1958  1970                  Norman F. Early*                        1978
      Bob August*                              1995                  Jimmy Franks*                 1971                 2003
      Chad Bailey                   2019                             Charles W. French*                      1981
      Jeff Barber                                        2019        Sydney Friedlander*                     1978
      O.B. Batten*                  1976                             Sam Gelt*                     1979      1986       1998
      Thomas W. Beasley*            1959       1976      1998        Bob Gentle*                   1981
      Frank Brasher*                1973       1987                  Chet Goins*                                        2008
      Larry F. Brasher              1989       2005      2017        Sam Goodman*                  1953
      Joseph C. Briley*             1961                             Burt Greenwood*                         2001
      Mike Browning                 2016                             Frank Grochal*                          1983
      Tom Bruce*                               1985      2004        Jim Hallett                             2019       2008
      Bob Burnett                             1999                   Bernard Hart*                           1988
      Jay Cadigan                   2011       2015                  Ruth Hart-Stephens*           1994      2002
      David Cape*                              1988                  Larry Hedrick*                1992      2004
      Tom Caruso                    2006       2012                  Jeff Heichel                            2007
      Darryll Ceccoli*                         1998                  Harold C. Henry*              1960      1973
      Jack Charlesworth*            1984       1968                  Esther Hershey*                                    1998
      J.C. Clanton, Jr.*            1966       1981                  Jacob B. Hershey, Sr.*                  1996
      Warren Clauss                 2018                             Jake Hershey                                       2012
      Frank B. Clement*                        1970                  Frank Hildreth*               1980      1990
      Nicholas P. Cocoves*                     1979                  Clyde Hillwig*                          1989
      Jimmy Compton                 2003                             Jerry Hinton                  2017
      Jimmy Cotton*                                      2003        Mike Hockett                                       2009
      W.J. Cotton                                        2010        Steve Houston                           2008
      E. Leroy Cox*                 1970                             Bob Howe*                     1986
      Tom Cross                                2018                  Stan Hoynitski*                                    2006
      Tom Cunningham                           1995                  Alexis Jacobs                 1995      2014       2011
      T. Lynn Davis*                1972                             Ellie Johnson                 2015      2019
      Steve DeMedicis                          2010                  Elmo L. Joseph*                         1971

                                                                                                                     * Deceased
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