Page 82 - 2021_Commemorating_History_Magazine
P. 82


                         The Warren Young Fellowship was created in honor of Warren Young, Sr., a pioneer of the auto auction industry.
                         The award recognizes major contributions to the National Auto Auction Association and acknowledges sustaining
                         support for the NAAA Warren Young, Sr. Scholastic Foundation, Inc. goal of improving access to post-secondary
                         education through scholarships and educational assistance.

                         Warren Young, Sr., known as a pioneer in the field of auto auctions, retired from Manheim in 1992 after serving in
                         the auto auction industry for more than 35 years.

                         Warren served as the National Auto Auction Association president in 1974 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame
                         in 1983. Before his passing in 2018, Warren Young, Sr. served the NAAA as president (1973-1974), secretary, and
                         treasurer. In 1983, he was inducted into the NAAA Hall of Fame, and in 2007, the NAAA scholastic foundation was
                         renamed the NAAA Warren Young, Sr. Scholastic Foundation, Inc. in his honor.

                                                FELLOW RECIPIENTS

      Tom Adams, Jr.                   John Fuller                Robert McConkey, Jr.                  Pete Sauber
      Dave Alfonso                     James Gaughan              Bill McCready                         Paul Seger
      Chad Anderson                    Brian Geitner              Mark Melton                           ServNet
      Chris Angelicchio                Stephanie Gingras          Forrest Mendenhall                    Linda Silverstein
      Clo Angelicchio                  Kristie Goben              Mercedes Benz Financial               Jay Simpson
      Dave Angelicchio                 Bob Graham                 Jeff Miles                            Gary Smith
      Matt Arias                       Burt & Dottie Greenwood    Jeff Modjeski                         Ron Smith
      Eric Autenrieth                  Joe Guyer                  Tony Moorby                           Russ Smith
      Auto Auction Services Corporation  Frank Hackett            Jane Morgan                           Henry & Patty Stanley
      Jeff Barber                      Jim Hallett                Brad Myers                            Mike Stanton
      Jerry Barker                     Ruth Hart-Stephens         National Association of Motor Auctions  State Line Auto Auction
      Ricky Beggs                      Dan Heinrich               Jack Neshe                            Chuck & Marie Stepter
      Paul C. Behr                     Jacob & Esther Hershey     Charles Nichols                       Robert & Tammy Sullivan
      Randy Beil                       Cam Hitchcock              Nichols Family                        Tad Swift
      Dave Blake                       Mike Hockett               Michele Noblitt                       Tim & Merle Swift
      Ed Bobit                         Alex Hoynitski             John Odorisio                         Laura Taylor
      Tim Bowers                       Stan Hoynitski             Ken Osborn                            Lynda Thomas
      Mike Broe                        Alexis Jacobs              Ken Phillips                          Rob Thompson
      Mike Browning                    Kenny Jones                Luke Pidgeon                          Larry G. Tribble, Jr.
      Warren Byrd                      Alain Joyal                John Poteet                           David Vignes
      Jay & Pam Cadigan                Dan Kennedy                Joe & Charlotte Pyle                  James Walker
      Wyatt Carter                     Steve & Maryann Kesler     Jimmy Rawls                           Clint Weaver
      Tom Caruso                       Gregg Kobel                John Rea                              Lynn Weaver
      Jason Cotton                     J. Omar Landis             Chuck Redden                          Dave Wescott
      W.J. Cotton                      Ben Lange                  Mike Reid                             Tim West
      Tom Cross                        Keith Lelux                Mike Richardson                       Keith & Regina Whann
      Steve DeLuca                     Rich Levene                Doug Rodriguez                        Jim & Barbara Wheatley
      Jim DesRochers                   Mike Linn                  Michael Rohdy                         Alan Wilwayco
      Kriss DesRochers                 Denise Long                Mike Roy                              Karyn Wrye
      Don DeVries                      Tony Long                  Peter & Sally Saldamarco              Warren Young, Sr.
      Sante Esposito                   Gregory Mahugh             Tom Saldutte                          Bill Zadeits
      Dale Flora                       Tim Massingale             Sue Saris
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