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                                                  2004 – 2012 Executive Director

                                                  Hackett was a proven association leader through his experience as Exec-
                                                  utive Director for the American Society for Law Enforcement Training and
                                                  as President/CEO for Volunteers of America Oklahoma, Inc.

                                                  2012 – Present Chief Executive Officer
                                                  In 2012, Hackett accepted the newly created Chief Executive Officer
                                                  position at NAAA. NAAA leaders determined the new position reflects the
                                                  expanding role and increasing leadership responsibilities of the association.

               NAAA HALL OF FAME

               2000  Tom Kniivila & Tony Mooby                 2005  Larry F. Brasher & David Langley
               2001  Burt Greenwood & Woody Miller             2006  Don DeVries & Mercedes Ruiz
               2002  Ruth Hart-Stephens & Ken Widmeyer         2007  Jeff Heichel & Larry G. Tribble, Jr.
               2003  Joe Lyng & Chuck Stepter                  2008  Steve Houston & Raymond Nichols
               2004  Larry Hedrick & Berta Phelps              2009  Linda Silverstein

                            2004                                              2004

                            Frank Hackett selected as Executive Director.    NAAA Title Warranty Policy established.

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